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The future of plastic template market blue ocean

Author: ComeFrom: Date:2019/9/16 10:25:31 Hits:1077
5.1 Market Size
With the continuous advancement of the country's green buildings and increasing environmental hard constraints, it is an inevitable trend to promote the use of green building materials such as plastic formwork in the construction field. The future of the plastic formwork market must be a blue ocean. We must clearly understand the current situation of the plastic template market and solve existing problems before we can set sail.
1) According to market surveys, the annual consumption of building formwork nationwide is 570 billion yuan, and plastic formwork has just accounted for 5% of the market, and the market potential is huge.
2) According to the national real estate statistics, the value of the template is 20 yuan per square meter of building area. The building area * 3.1 times is required to be supported by the template. The price of the existing wooden template is about 50 yuan 6-8 times. The price is 6-8 yuan, which is 3.1 * (6-8) for a square building area, about 20 yuan. 3. There are also templates for towns and bridges, highway underground corridors, etc.

At present, the development of China's plastic template market is still in its infancy, with uneven product quality, which is misleading to consumers to a certain extent and hinders its promotion and application. To solve the problem of the promotion and application of plastic templates in China, we mainly proceed from the following aspects:
1) Strict control must be taken from all aspects of template design, production, construction, and leasing. According to the actual conditions of construction in China, the rapid development of foreign plastic template technology must be selectively absorbed. Achieve "for my use";
2) Collect and analyze the first-line feedback information of engineering construction, and continuously improve product design through technological innovation;
3) Develop new plastic template products with independent intellectual property rights, build an integrated platform for production, education and research, and apply intellectual property rights to actual production in a timely manner.

5.2 National green environmental protection industry policy support
In recent years, with the establishment and improvement of China's green and low-carbon circular economic system, the concept of green development has gained popular support. The state has been advocating and supporting the green building materials industry, and has continued to promote favorable development policies, providing a strong policy for the development of the hollow plastic template industry. support.
1. The Ministry of Science and Technology of the National Development and Reform Commission issued the "Guiding Opinions on Building a Market-Oriented Green Technology Innovation System" (Development and Reform Environmental Capital [2019] No. 689), which stated that it is necessary to accelerate the establishment of enterprises as the mainstay and the deep integration of production, education and research , To form a new situation of green technology innovation integrating research and development, application promotion and industrial development. The plastic template industry should adhere to the integration and innovation of green technology in terms of technology research and development, product upgrades, promotion and application.
2. The General Office of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China The General Office of the State Council issued the "Guiding Opinions on Promoting the Healthy Development of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises", in which the "One Enterprise, One Policy" service has played an important role in promoting the development of new and emerging small and medium-sized enterprises of plastic templates. The opinions on improving the financing policies and financial and tax support policies of middle and lower enterprises are of great significance to plastic template SMEs in cracking financing difficulties and reducing tax burden.
3. The Beijing Municipal Committee of Housing and Urban-Rural Development issued a notice on soliciting opinions on the "Catalogue of Prohibited Use of Building Materials in Beijing (2018 Edition)", which states that 77 types of building materials will be banned. Among them, bamboo and wood plywood templates have poor water resistance and low turnover times, and waste of resources is intended to be banned.
4. The Guiding Opinions on Accelerating the Development of Renewable Resources Industry jointly issued by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the Ministry of Commerce and the Ministry of Science and Technology (Ministry of Industry and Information Technology [2016] No. 440), to accelerate the promotion of greening, recycling and coordination of renewable resources industries such as plastics The development of high-value, high-value, specialization, and clustering put forward higher requirements. The plastic template industry has played an active guiding role in strengthening product green innovation, recycling, regional promotion, and industrial cluster development, and promoted the professional and clustered high-quality development of the plastic template industry.
V. Implementing the "Thirteenth Five-Year Plan" on Building Energy Conservation and Green Building Development issued by the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development (Jian Ke [2017] No. 53), achieving more than 50% of new buildings in urban green buildings nationwide and new buildings in urban areas by 2020 The application ratio of medium green building materials exceeds the target of 40%. This provides important development opportunities for the development of the plastic formwork industry. As a new type of green building material, hollow plastic formwork meets national green building material standards in product materials and construction applications.

5.3 Market prospects
At present, some financial companies and large enterprises have begun to understand and pay attention to the plastic template market and have contacted them, and intend to enter the production lease model. Some large enterprises with strength and capital are understanding the market trends and inspecting the project. Production companies do according to high standards of quality requirements, have financial support, and do leasing model and aluminum frame combination leasing model, the prospects are very good. Cooperating with the entry of the Belt and Road Initiative of construction enterprises of central enterprises, the main infrastructure projects are mainly based on the satisfaction of the use of plastic formwork, and there will be a large number of orders. Export orders have gradually increased, and foreign acceptance has also gradually increased.
The next 3-5 years will surely make some big plastic template companies. Coupled with the increasing preference and acceptance of the market, there are already some tenders that have specified the use of plastic templates. China has intensified its efforts to protect the ecological environment, and has completely stopped commercial logging of natural forests. At the same time, it actively advocates the concepts of energy conservation, environmental protection and green buildings. It is an inevitable trend to promote the use of green building materials such as plastic formwork in the construction field. "Replacing wood with plastic" is not only a slogan, but also an important response to the country's efforts to strengthen the construction of ecological civilization. In the long run, promote the efficient use of resources, energy conservation and consumption reduction, and then achieve green sustainable development. Beijing has banned the use of wood glue and building templates.
In the context of rapid social progress, the market for plastic building formwork in the construction sector is growing. And as the construction industry now requires higher and higher formwork technology, reliable plastic building formwork gradually replaces traditional formwork and successfully catches up with the golden opportunity for development. It is also because of the environmental protection advantages of plastic building templates that they can be required by today's advocates of building a conservation-oriented society and become the new generation of darlings in the construction industry.
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  • Mobile: :+86+8615906227399
  • Email:yq@gwell.cn
  • Website:www.ntgwell.com
  • Address: 16# Donglin Industry Park, Guojia Road, Chengxiang Taicang Suzhou China
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